Comment 2 for bug 2068502

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Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote (last edit ): Re: MAAS 3.4.2 keeps resetting Cipher Suite ID during commissioning

That is a quick workaround, not a resolution... I know how to manually change the Cipher Suite ID to what works, which is how I got the machine working in the first place.

The problem is that MAAS does not honor my choices and overrides them with an incorrect default. This has now been seen against two Lenovo machines in the lab.

I have two actual issues here from this:

1: MAAS is overriding user settings with a hard coded default in a shell script. If I set that manually in the BMC Config in MAAS, MAAS should not overwrite it the next time the machine is commissioned. User set configuration should be immutable (perhaps MAAS needs an additional flag like "Don't update BMC Config" when commissioning is run.

2: MAAS should do a better job finding one that works. Without the correct ID, the ipmi commands will fail and not every machine/BMC will support ID 3 (as is the case here). MAAS should verify that the Cipher Suite ID it's setting is actually usable by attempting IPMI commands of some sort to see if it works, and if not, should move to the next one and retry until if finds the one that works with that particular BMC.

Extrapolate this out from a small number of systems to a customer with hundreds of them, it is not good experience if they then have to manually fix every one of the machines in MAAS because of a hard coded setting.