Comment 0 for bug 2068502

Revision history for this message
Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote : MAAS 3.4.2 keeps resetting Cipher Suite ID during commissioning

MAAS: 3.4.2

I am enlisting and commissioning a Lenovo SD550 V3 server in our MAAS. I powered the machine on and it completed enlistment and appeared in the UI as a New server.

However, power status was marked as an Error. On further investigation, the Cipher Suite ID in the Configuration for that machine was set to 3. To see if that had anything to do with the power control issues, I set it to 17 and saved the config change. After that, MAAS was able to successfully probe power status and was able to control the power to turn the machine on when I selected "Commission" from the action menu.

Commissioning was successful as well, however, after commissioning, power status checking was again failing. I went back to the machines Configuration page and noted that the Cipher Suite ID had been changed back to 3 again. So once more, changing that to 17 and saving it allowed MAAS to successfully probe power on this machine.

As a check, I then recommissioned the machine. MAAS again was able to power the machine on, which successfully completed commissioning a second time. And just as before, MAAS changed the Cipher Suite ID back to 3, causing power control to fail.