Comment 4 for bug 2067503

Revision history for this message
Andrew (andrew-boatrocker) wrote :

Hi Anton,

The non-ascii symbols are in a comment line in the .pem file. Their ultimate source is the Mozilla root CA list, in the NetLock Arany entry:

Redhat puts them into the /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem file by default. When we add our private cert chain to that file with "update-ca-certs", the NetLock Arany entry remains (along with all of the other Mozilla root certs). So it's a very long file, and in the middle of it is this:


# NetLock Arany (Class Gold) Főtanúsítvány

I don't get a proper traceback. All that I get other than the error is a usage message. Here's the full output:

$ maas login --cacerts /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem $USER https://$MAAS_HOST:5443/MAAS `cat ~/maas-api-key`
usage: maas [-h] COMMAND ...

  -h, --help show this help message and exit

drill down:
    login Log in to a remote API, and remember its description and credentials.
    logout Log out of a remote API, purging any stored credentials.
    list List remote APIs that have been logged-in to.
    refresh Refresh the API descriptions of all profiles.
    init Initialise MAAS in the specified run mode.
    config View or change controller configuration.
    status Status of controller services.
    migrate Perform migrations on connected database.
    apikey Used to manage a user's API keys. Shows existing keys unless --generate or --delete is passed.
    configauth Configure external authentication.
    config-tls Configure MAAS Region TLS.
    config-vault Configure MAAS Region Vault integration.
    createadmin Create a MAAS administrator account.
                  Change a MAAS user's password.
                  Interact with https://$MAAS_HOST:5443/MAAS/api/2.0/

'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u0151' in position 137865: ordinal not in range(128)