Comment 1 for bug 2049508

Revision history for this message
Marian Gasparovic (marosg) wrote :

As discussed with Jacopo, I did a test on freshly deployed MAAS 3.4. I had a loop which created lxc container getting dhcp address from MAAS and immediately deleted the container.

After doing it around 100 times I could see numbers in abovce tables grow and they never go down even after leases expire.
I started another round with more containers.

maasdb=# select domain_id, count(*) from maasserver_dnsresource group by domain_id;
 domain_id | count
         1 | 2067
(1 row)

maasdb=# select subnet_id, count(*) from maasserver_staticipaddress group by subnet_id;
 subnet_id | count
         2 | 17
         6 | 6
           | 6
         1 | 2233
         3 | 8
         5 | 6
(6 rows)

This is after all containers are gone and leases expired

MAAS UI says "5 hosts; 32 resource records" which is right