Comment 9 for bug 2028284

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Trent Lloyd (lathiat) wrote :

Wanted to note that I've just filed a Bug #2055252 that may be sortof related but I don't see a serialisation error in my case (and it's not obvious exactly why the VM creation fails and gets rolled back).

The LXD VM creation fails specifically with a storage constraint of ('storage', ['root:0,0:8']) which juju is generating when using a second disk from juju storage but you don't specify a root-disk size with a root-disk constraint - so it passes in 0. (This Juju Bug #1983084)

It my bug it seems the DB entries are rolled back but the LXD VM is left behind and requires manual cleanup. Since this also comes from juju, it tries 10 times so we get 10 VMs left behind when this happens.