Comment 7 for bug 2022926

Revision history for this message
Youhei Tooyama (VirtualTech Japan) (ytooyama-virtualtech) wrote (last edit ):

MAAS 3.3.6 has been released, but this problem will still be reproduced.
MAAS 3.3.6がリリースされましたが、この問題はまだ再現します。

If you deploy, you can observe the next error.

``` [WARNING]: Failed posting event: {"name": "init-local/check-cache", "description": "attempting to read from cache [trust]", "event _type": "start", "origin": "cloudinit", “timestamp": 1711397389.92540241}. This was caused by: HTConnectionPoo!(host='' , port=5248): Max retries exceeded with urI: /MAAS/me adata/status/wysrbn (Caused by NeuconnectionError('<ur11ibs.connection. HTTPConnection object at 0x7f2961a45d50>: Failed to estal lish a new connection: (Errno 101] Network is unreachable'))

Workaround is to do the following.

sudo systemctl restart maas-proxy.service maas-rackd