Comment 1 for bug 1948735

Revision history for this message
Huw Wilkins (huwshimi) wrote :

I've been trying to get this working today. I refresh my snap so I'm on 3.1.0~beta3-10810-g.cb1e1cd3d but if I create or delete a cluster via the web ui I don't seem to get these events. Is there something I might be missing?

Steps that I'm presuming would cause a delete event to be sent:
- Go to /MAAS/r/kvm/lxd.
- Click on a cluster.
- Click on the Cluster settings tab.
- Click Remove KVM.
- Click Remove cluster.

For a create event:
- Go to /MAAS/r/kvm/lxd.
- Click Add LXD host.
- Work through the wizard, filling out valid details for a cluster.
- Clicking next on the final step creates the cluster, but there's no notification (it appears on page refresh).