Comment 1 for bug 1921475

Revision history for this message
Lee Trager (ltrager) wrote :

MAAS collects all hardware information from LXD. MAAS knows that a disk is an SSD if RPM is 0. lshw is only used to automatically generate tags.

Could you check if this is fixed in the latest version of LXD? You can do that in a deployed environment or ephemeral with the following

sudo snap refresh --channel=latest/edge lxd
sudo apt-get install -y jq
curl -G --unix-socket "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket" "lxd/1.0/resources" 2>/dev/null | jq

If RPM or any other information is incorrect in the latest version please report it as a bug to the LXD team at