Comment 1 for bug 1891219

Revision history for this message
khb (khbkhb) wrote :

Pseudo code in case this helps make our intent clearer:

For-hw: dellBOSS (pseudo code, meaning, if this system has a Dell BOSS boot drive)

distro: Ubuntu 16.* : use HWE
distro: Ubuntu * : use GA (for all others)

I'm agnostic about whether like ssh config the general comes last or first. I don't know that ubuntu should need to be specified (there's no direct equiv for CentOS/RH is there?) but the core idea is to identify specific hw that's problematic (I think that's most typically going to be whatever the boot disk is, if the kernel can't recognize / handle the boot drive, game is over. If the system can at least boot ... post processing (ansible, salt, etc.) can probably cope.

I suppose a "automatic" approach would be for MAAS to recognize some metadata from the HWE (surely someone had to create the HWE based on some set of HW that wasn't handled and therefore has a good clue (better than I at least) what hw ought to require it ... so I'd think that by default MAAS could easily know when to try HWE rather than GA ;>