Comment 2 for bug 1833767

Revision history for this message
Jim Conner (snafuxnj) wrote :

Please note that I was using chrome

Since I could no longer use Chrome Version 74.0.3729.169 (Official Build) (64-bit), I opened the MaaS UI up in Firefox, which worked fine.

Some potentially good context here, too:

We're developing a Kubernetes operator that uses maas heavily. I've had a tab open in Chrome to our maas lab for weeks. The k8s operator we're developing instantiates and destroys maas machines regularly due to our testing. Today, I was running our operator bringing up and down maas nodes, however the UI was not updating in realtime the creation and release of the nodes I was working with unless I refreshed the browser tab manually. So, I cleared the cookies in an effort to "clean the pipes" as it were. Everything was hosed after that, and the error above ensued.