Comment 8 for bug 1807505

Revision history for this message
Andres Rodriguez (andreserl) wrote : Re: [2.5rc2] serial of a device is not populated for virtio-blk devices

In a physical system, the the 'ID_SERIAL' is auto-generated based on names. This is not the true serial of an actual physical device. It is auto-generated. I've seen other devices where ID_SERIAL only shows a name and not the actual device serial. For example, see below:

ubuntu@node04:~$ sudo udevadm info --query=property --name /dev/sda | grep SERIAL

As such, it seems to be that VM's using virtio devices with a 'serial' specified should *also* be setting ID_SERIAL_SHORT and not just ID_SERIAL. It seems to me where this should be fixed is in KVM and not work around in MAAS.

Setting this as opinion as I check with my team and talk to others about this, as again, I don't think MAAS should rely on ID_SERIAL for anything.