Comment 0 for bug 1768709

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Po-Hsu Lin (cypressyew) wrote : Unable to deploy Artful i386 with MaaS 2.3.2 (6485)

The attempt to deploy Artful i386 with MaaS 2.3.2 (6485) will fail with the zfs module issue like in bug 1739761:

curtin: Installation started. (18.1-1-g45564eef-0ubuntu1~16.04.1)
third party drivers not installed or necessary.t
modprobe: FATAL: Module zfs not found in directory /lib/modules/4.13.0-39-genericm
Unexpected error while running command.U
Command: ['modprobe', '--use-blacklist', 'zfs']C
Exit code: 1E
Reason: -R
Stdout: ''S
Stderr: ''S
curtin: Installation failed with exception: Unexpected error while running command.c
Command: ['curtin', 'block-meta', 'custom']C
Exit code: 3E
Reason: -R
Stdout: modprobe: FATAL: Module zfs not found in directory /lib/modules/4.13.0-39-genericS
        Unexpected error while running command.
        Command: ['modprobe', '--use-blacklist', 'zfs']
        Exit code: 1
        Reason: -
        Stdout: ''
        Stderr: ''

Stderr: ''S

  1. Go to the MaaS UI, pick a node and set the arch to i386
  2. Deploy Artful on it