Comment 2 for bug 1760715

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

The maas logs in /var/log/maas stay quiet while I perform that action.

The javascript console stays quiet.

Note that this happened after I did a deploy, which failed.

This is sometimes reproduceable with a fresh node, I just repeated the steps this morning.

To repeat it, try this:
- enlist a new VM with two virtio disks (vda and vdb). I'm using 15Gb qcow2.
- commission
- go to storage
- select "add partition" on the vdb disk (see before-deploy.webm screencast)
- select zfsroot as the filesystem, and /home as the mountpoint
- in this state (see screenshot before-deploy.png), deploy
- deployment will fail, for other reasons (

Now I either get the behavior described in this bug, or what is described in