Comment 6 for bug 1758760

Revision history for this message
Márton Kiss (marton-kiss) wrote : Re: [feature] Support Lenovo’s new, non-IPMI compliant, password policy (Lenovo SR550)

Meanwhile this specific hardware is not supporting turning off the password policy check. The doc includes this option:

-pc Password complexity rules. on, off

But in the real life:

system> help accseccfg
   accseccfg [options]
   -am User authentication method (local, ldap, localldap, ldaplocal)
   -lp Lockout period after maximum login failures in minutes
            (between 0 and 2880, 0=lockout period does not expire)
   -pe Password expiration time period (between 0 and 365, 0=never expire)
   -pew Password expiration warning time period
            (between 0 and -pe value, 0=never warn)
   -pl Password length (between 8 and 20)
   -ci minimum change interval in hours (between 0 and 240, 0=change
   -lf maximum number of login failures before account is locked
            (between 0 and 10, 0=never locked)
   -chgdft (on|off) user must change default password after first login
   -chgnew (on|off) new user must change password after first login
   -rc Password reuse cycle (between 0 and 10, 0=reuse immediately)
   -wt Web inactivity session timeout in minutes.(between 0 and 1440)

system> accseccfg -pc
Unrecognized long option: -pc

It is simply not implemented.