Comment 0 for bug 1751946

Revision history for this message
Andres Rodriguez (andreserl) wrote :

Machines fail to deploy due to the following error:

The deploy action for 1 node failed with error: {"current_testing_script_set": ["script set instance with id 5 does not exist."]}

How I reproduced:

1. I added a KVM pod that had 3 VM's in it.
2. The machines transitioned to 'Commissioning' but they never PXE booted for other reasons.
3. I aborted the 'Commissioning' and they went back to 'New'
4. I commissioned 2 out of 3 VM's *without* running hardware tests. The machines transitioned to Ready.
5. I attempted to deploy 'Ready' machines and failed.
6. I commissioned the remaining machine *with* hardware tests, and attempted to deploy, and it worked just fine.

So a few things:

1. If hardware tests were not run, why would it even prevent deployment of the machine?