Comment 3 for bug 1705212

Revision history for this message
Trent Lloyd (lathiat) wrote :

I am hitting this issue on MAAS 2.2 only when "disk erasing". It tries to boot from ubuntu/amd64/hwe-t/xenial/daily/boot-kernel.

This seems really strange as I don't think a hwe-t would ever have existed for xenial?

This install has been upgraded I think since MAAS 1.9 but definitely since at least 2.0 then through 2.1 onto 2.2 including some beta/alpha versions.

Deploy & Commission are set to 16.04 GA (no HWE). Commission is successful and uses the ga-16.04/ path. Seems only disk erase (quick) is affected.

Looking through pg_dump super-naively with grep, I can see some related entries. Please advise if you want any more specific information.

58 2016-11-21 10:49:02.45629+08 2017-07-25 13:44:50.176052+08 0 ubuntu/xenial amd64/ga-16.04 {"subarches": "generic,hwe-p,hwe-q,hwe-r,hwe-s,hwe-t,hwe-u,hwe-v,hwe-w,ga-16.04"} generic \N f

1169163 2017-07-25 13:44:43.824057+08 2017-07-25 13:44:43.824057+08 ubuntu amd64 hwe-t xenial daily 1 Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS 2021-04-21 lowlatency \N {}

1577782 2017-07-25 13:37:16.478143+08 2017-07-25 13:37:16.478143+08 ubuntu/amd64/hwe-t/xenial/daily/boot-kernel 243 10

(there are more lines, just including some examples)