Comment 1 for bug 1640298

Revision history for this message
Patrick De La Rosa (thatfatguypat) wrote :

This is marked as a duplicate, and that duplicate issue is marked as fixed. The fix for the Duplicate is in 2.2.0 which is what I've explored. It requires that we implement MAAS DHCP relay which requires VLAN tagging per rack (per /26 subnet in my case), and also limits DHCP Relay from one source VLAN to one destination Fabric + VLAN.

The difference here is the desire to use a single VLAN with several subnets, but with some control
as to which subnet (within the same VLAN) a DHCP lease is granted from based off of the network segment the request originates. The way suggested in this bug report is by not joining the subnets in dhcpd.conf as a shared-network based off of their VLAN.

While a VLAN can consist of multiple subnets, there may be reasons to logically seperate those subnets (such as logically seperating server racks by subnet). The fix from bug #1254807 in version 2.2.0 does now allow for a DHCP Relay from fabric-0,VLAN1, -> fabric-0,VLAN1, while also taking dhcp requests for fabric-0,VLAN1, -> fabric-0,VLAN1, and fabric-0,VLAN1, -> fabric-0,VLAN1,