Comment 0 for bug 1611999

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Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote : MAAS 2 does not properly probe power state on Cisco UCS systems

I'm trying to set up a blade in a Cisco chassis via UCSM. I'm using MAAS 2.0 and it looks like MAAS is failing to properly probe power.

Here's what happens (and I'll attach screen shots showing each step).

1: System not in MAAS. UCSM shows blade power OFF.
2: Power system on in UCSM. System boots, enlists, shuts off. UCSM shows power state OFF. MAAS shows system in New state with no power type set.
3: Configure power type with U/P, UUID and API URL and save changes
4: MAAS checks power state and shows System in New state with Power ON, evne though UCSM shows that the blade power state is OFF.
5: Clicking Check Now re-probes power and still shows as ON.
6: Manually set Power OFF in MAAS by selecting Power Off from the Action menu.
7: MAAS NOW shows power state as OFF.
8: Check Now also says power state is OFF

At this point, maas.log only shows this for the UCS node:
bladernr@lucuma:/var/log/maas$ grep unfluffed-cherise maas.log
Aug 10 18:59:06 lucuma maas.api: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Enlisted new machine
Aug 10 20:11:12 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changing power state (off) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)
Aug 10 20:11:14 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changed power state (off) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)

The last two are where I manually set power OFF using the Action menu.

9: I click Commission from the Action menu.
10: MAAS shows power state as ON and node state as Commissioning.
11: UCSM confirms that power has turned on, so MAAS CAN control power.
12: Commissioning completes. UCSM shows power state OFF, MAAS shows system as Ready, with power state ON.

In the MAAS long, we see where maas turned the power on:
Aug 10 20:14:42 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Status transition from NEW to COMMISSIONING
Aug 10 20:14:42 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changing power state (on) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)
Aug 10 20:14:42 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Commissioning started
Aug 10 20:14:44 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changed power state (on) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)

13: MAAS changes node state to Ready, Power remains ON

maas.log shows this:
Aug 10 20:17:52 lucuma maas.interface: [INFO] enp7s0 (physical) on unfluffed-cherise: Observed connected to fabric-1 via
Aug 10 20:17:53 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Storage layout was set to flat.
Aug 10 20:17:53 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Status transition from COMMISSIONING to READY

Note that UCSM shows the node as powered OFF, MAAS still shows the power ON. Once again, I have to manually select Power Off from the Action menu and then maas changes state to Power Off.

maas.log shows this when I manually tell it to turn the power off:
Aug 10 20:20:15 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changing power state (off) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)
Aug 10 20:20:17 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changed power state (off) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)

Now that MAAS thinks the power is off, I can begin a deployment. MAAS acquires the node correctly, changes state to Deploying, and sets the Power state to ON... UCSM shows the node ON. This appears in the MAAS log when I do the deployment:

Aug 10 20:20:30 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Status transition from READY to ALLOCATED
Aug 10 20:20:30 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: allocated to user bladernr
Aug 10 20:20:30 lucuma maas.interface: [INFO] Allocated automatic IP address for enp6s0 (physical) on unfluffed-cherise.
Aug 10 20:20:30 lucuma maas.node: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: Status transition from ALLOCATED to DEPLOYING
Aug 10 20:20:30 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changing power state (on) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)
Aug 10 20:20:33 lucuma maas.power: [INFO] Changed power state (on) of node: unfluffed-cherise (4y3h8r)
Aug 10 20:22:21 lucuma maas.preseed: [INFO] unfluffed-cherise: custom network and storage options are only supported on Ubuntu. Using flat storage layout.