Comment 6 for bug 1516065

Revision history for this message
Claude Durocher (claude-durocher) wrote : Re: Unable to commision nodes in maas 1.9 with IPMI

I did a little big more digging: it seems like ipmi-chassis-config always exit with return code 1 with no output.

I also tried to print the chassis confg and here's the result (notice there's no end section to Chassis_Boot_Flags):

# Section Chassis_Front_Panel_Buttons Comments
# The following configuration options are for enabling or disabling button
# functionality on the chassis. Button may refer to a pushbutton, switch, or
# other front panel control built into the system chassis.
# The value of the below may not be able to be checked out. Therefore we
# recommend the user configure all four fields rather than a subset of them,
# otherwise some assumptions on configure may be made.
Section Chassis_Front_Panel_Buttons
 ## Possible values: Yes/No
 Enable_Standby_Button_For_Entering_Standby Yes
 ## Possible values: Yes/No
 Enable_Diagnostic_Interrupt_Button Yes
 ## Possible values: Yes/No
 Enable_Reset_Button Yes
 ## Possible values: Yes/No
 Enable_Power_Off_Button_For_Power_Off_Only Yes
# Section Chassis_Power_Conf Comments
# The following configuration options are for configuring chassis power
# behavior.
# The "Power_Restore_Policy" determines the behavior of the machine when AC
# power returns after a power loss. The behavior can be set to always power on
# the machine ("On_State_AC_Apply"), power off the machine
# ("Off_State_AC_Apply"), or return the power to the state that existed before
# the power loss ("Restore_State_AC_Apply").
# The "Power_Cycle_Interval" determines the time the system will be powered down
# following a power cycle command.
Section Chassis_Power_Conf
 ## Possible values: Off_State_AC_Apply/Restore_State_AC_Apply/On_State_AC_Apply
 Power_Restore_Policy Restore_State_AC_Apply
 ## Give value in seconds
 ## Power_Cycle_Interval
# Section Chassis_Boot_Flags Comments
# The following configuration options are for configuring chassis boot behavior.
# Please note that some fields may apply to all future boots while some may only
# apply to the next system boot.
# "Boot_Flags_Persistent" determines if flags apply to the next boot only or all
# future boots.
# "Boot_Device" allows the user to configure which device the BIOS should boot
# off of. Most users may wish to select NO-OVERRIDE to select the configuration
# currently determined by the BIOS. Note that the configuration value BIOS-SETUP
# refers to booting *into* the BIOS Setup, not from it. FLOPPY may refer to any
# type of removeable media. "Device_Instance_Selector" may be be used to select
# a specific device instance for booting.
Section Chassis_Boot_Flags