Comment 1 for bug 1505386

Revision history for this message
Jeffrey C Jones (trapnine) wrote :

Perhaps changing the output from comma-separated to space-separated would suffice (to make it easy to cut and paste to apt-get).


- The required items will not always be apt installable. For example, IBM has their own HMC software package you download from them directly. The error for that looks like: "To proceed, install the 'HMC Management Software' package(s) on cluster 'maas'". To provide apt commands for the right drivers means the drivers have to know which are available via apt and which aren't, then format the responses in a more complex way to communicate the difference. Currently the low lever checkers provide a list of missing strings to install (human understandable software names), which gets piped up to the UI.

- The user may have an alternate method of installing software on their maas cluster, making our suggestion extra noise and incorrect. If they don't know apt-get, will they know how to ssh there to run the command, and should we put sudo in front?