Comment 0 for bug 1491822

Revision history for this message
j1mbutt0n (mazuninanton) wrote : openstack-install crashes on juju bootstrap

I configured 6 nodes under maas, made theis status Ready.
installed open-stack and started openstack-install. After that I answered all questions (ip, username, password, api key etc..)
And in stage of juju bootstraping I got this error (from commands.log):

[INFO: 09-03 17:08:42, openstack-install:177] Starting OpenStack Installer v0.99.22
[INFO: 09-03 17:08:42, openstack-install:178] Start command: ['/usr/bin/openstack-install']
[INFO: 09-03 17:08:42, openstack-install:189] Creating juju directories: /home/jim/.cloud-install/juju
[INFO: 09-03 17:08:44, openstack-install:239] Running Kilo release
[INFO: 09-03 17:10:13,] Performing a Landscape OpenStack Autopilot install
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:10:41,] Existing MAAS defined, doing a LDS installation with existing MAAS.
[ERROR: 09-03 17:10:51,] Problem with package install: Command 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get -qyf -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install openstack-multi' returned non-zero exit status 100
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:10:51,] Bootstrapping Juju: JUJU_HOME=/home/jim/.cloud-install/juju juju bootstrap
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:11:01,] Problem during bootstrap: '{'err': 'Bootstrapping environment "maas"\nStarting new instance for initial state server\nLaunching instance\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node\nBootstrap failed, destroying environment\nERROR failed to bootstrap environment: cannot start bootstrap instance: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR ((\'UNHANDLED\', \'Unknown Error [control:pid=4075:cmd=CreateHostMaps:ask=6f]\'))\n', 'output': '', 'status': 1}'
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:11:01,] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 71, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 868, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 127, in do_continue
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 127, in do_install
    raise Exception("Problem with juju bootstrap.")
Exception: Problem with juju bootstrap.

[ERROR: 09-03 17:13:22,] Problem with package install: Command 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive /usr/bin/apt-get -qyf -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install openstack-multi' returned non-zero exit status 100
[WARNING: 09-03 17:13:22,] task name: expected Preparing Landscape, got Bootstrapping Juju
[INFO: 09-03 17:13:22,] tasks : [('Bootstrapping Juju', 1441282251.8554897, 1441282402.3224642), ('Preparing Landscape', None, None), ('Deploying Landscape', None, None), ('Registering against Landscape', None, None)]
tasks_started: ['Bootstrapping Juju', 'Bootstrapping Juju']
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:13:22,] ssh keys exist for this user, they will be used instead.
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:13:22,] Bootstrapping Juju: JUJU_HOME=/home/jim/.cloud-install/juju juju bootstrap
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:13:38,] Problem during bootstrap: '{'err': 'Bootstrapping environment "maas"\nStarting new instance for initial state server\nLaunching instance\nWARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node\nBootstrap failed, destroying environment\nERROR failed to bootstrap environment: cannot start bootstrap instance: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR ((\'UNHANDLED\', \'Unknown Error [control:pid=4075:cmd=CreateHostMaps:ask=13f]\'))\n', 'output': '', 'status': 1}'
[DEBUG: 09-03 17:13:38,] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 71, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 868, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/", line 127, in do_continue
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/controllers/install/", line 127, in do_install
    raise Exception("Problem with juju bootstrap.")
Exception: Problem with juju bootstrap.

dpkg -l '*maas*'|cat

||/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii maas 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS server all-in-one metapackage
ii maas-cli 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS command line API tool
ii maas-cluster-controller 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS server cluster controller
ii maas-common 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS server common files
ii maas-dhcp 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS DHCP server
ii maas-dns 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS DNS server
ii maas-proxy 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS Caching Proxy
ii maas-region-controller 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS server complete region controller
ii maas-region-controller-min 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS Server minimum region controller
ii python-django-maas 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS server Django web framework
ii python-maas-client 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS python API client
ii python-maas-provisioningserver 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~vivid1 all MAAS server provisioning libraries

I alo attached contents of /var/log/maas