Comment 26 for bug 1424549

Revision history for this message
Karl (karl-martin2) wrote :

I changed the URL from releases to Daily, and it now boots up with 14.04.3 LTS, but I am unable to ssh into the box, but eventually I see connection failures to, so I am guessing it still is not working.

It was my understanding from the docs, that after enlisting and shutting down, you commission the node, it boots up and needs to communicate to to download packages and install them prior to finishing the commissioning of the nodes to ready state? How does this work for you in an environment that does not have internet connection?

Previously, I had used the code below to create a backdoor login account. But since re-installing MAAS, I wanted to leave it stock and was not sure if this code modified the image, because when I had changed from releases to daily on the previous build it didn't seem like the images updated.

sudo apt-get install --assume-yes bzr
bzr branch lp:~maas-maintainers/maas/backdoor-image backdoor-image

imgs=$(echo /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/*/*/*/*/*/*/root-image)
for img in $imgs; do
    [ -f "$img.dist" ] || sudo cp -a --sparse=always $img $img.dist

for img in $imgs; do
    sudo ./backdoor-image/backdoor-image -v --user=backdoor --password-auth --password=ubuntu $img