Comment 10 for bug 1424549

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Mike Pontillo (mpontillo) wrote :

Hmm, strange. The certificates you posted in the openssl trace match the ones in /etc/pollinate/ For it to not validate, I would have expected them to be different.

Is it possible that the system time is incorrect on the VM, which in turn causes the certificates to not validate for some reason? (from what I've seen in your debug output, it's probably correct, but I'm running out of theories now.)

From the same node where you ran 'openssl s_client', I'm curious if there is a difference between the output of the following two commands:

pollinate -t > /dev/null
pollinate -i -t > /dev/null

Are you certain that the pfsense router is not acting as a man-in-the-middle for some types of traffic? (Again, though - if it is, I'm just not sure why we wouldn't have seen signs of that in the OpenSSL output.)