Comment 4 for bug 1405998

Revision history for this message
Christian Reis (kiko) wrote :

These pserv logs are a treasure trove of OOPSes. Just in pserv.log.4.gz we have a total of :

- provisioningserver.power.poweraction.PowerActionFail: sm15k failed with return code 1: Not Found: servers/26/0 (HTTP 404)
- Failure: provisioningserver.rpc.exceptions.NodeStateViolation: The status of the node is 6; this status cannot be transitioned to a corresponding failed status.
- tftp.errors.InvalidErrorcodeError: Unknown error code: 8
- exceptions.AttributeError: 'Port' object has no attribute 'socket'
- exceptions.OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/var/log/maas/oops/2014-12-09'
- Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone: Connection was closed cleanly.
  (why would that be a Failure?)
- Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion.
- provisioningserver.rpc.exceptions.NoConnectionsAvailable:
- Failure: twisted.internet.defer.CancelledError:
- Failed to login to virsh console.
- Failure: provisioningserver.rpc.exceptions.NodeStateViolation: The status of the node is 4; this status cannot be transitioned to a corresponding failed status.
- provisioningserver.power.poweraction.PowerActionFail: virsh failed with return code 1: Failed to login to virsh console.
- Failure: provisioningserver.rpc.exceptions.NodeStateViolation: The status of the node is 6; this status cannot be transitioned to a corresponding failed status.
- Failure: twisted.internet.error.TimeoutError: User timeout caused connection failure.
- exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'stopListening