Comment 0 for bug 1376888

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Jason Hobbs (jason-hobbs) wrote : Nodes can't be deleted if DNS management is off.

I have some nodes I enlisted and commissioned on a cluster that had DNS/DHCP management enabled. I disabled DNS/DHCP management for that cluster, then tried to delete the nodes.

I got an error at the top of the page, something like "not connected.#012> no open object.#012> not connected.#012> not connected.#012".

In maas.log I see:
Oct 3 03:04:09 trusty-maas7 maas.dhcp: [ERROR] Could not remove host map for Command `omshell` returned non-zero exit status 0:#012> > > > not connected.#012> no open object.#012> not connected.#012> not connected.#012>.

I enabled DNS/DHCP management again and the node was deleted successfully.

Looks like the failure to talk to dhcpd via omshell could be handled more gracefully.