Comment 0 for bug 1343317

Revision history for this message
Filip Krikava (krikava) wrote :

Based on this questions: I made more debugging and found that WOL packets are sent over a wrong NIC.

The cluster controller has eth1 (public network - set and unmanaged) and p1p1 (maas node network - set as managed dhcp/dns).
When I commission a node or start a node the WOL is sent over the eth1 not the p1p1 (found using `sudo tcpdump -i eth1 port 9 -vvvv -s0 -n`).

stack@helios:~$ dpkg -l '*maas*'|cat
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii maas 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS server all-in-one metapackage
ii maas-cli 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS command line API tool
ii maas-cluster-controller 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS server cluster controller
ii maas-common 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS server common files
ii maas-dhcp 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS DHCP server
ii maas-dns 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS DNS server
ii maas-region-controller 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS server complete region controller
ii maas-region-controller-min 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS Server minimum region controller
ii python-django-maas 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS server Django web framework
ii python-maas-client 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS python API client
ii python-maas-provisioningserver 1.5.2+bzr2282-0ubuntu0.2 all MAAS server provisioning libraries