Comment 2 for bug 585937

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ChrisDebenham (chris-debenham) wrote :

Interesting - I have the information_schema db as well, but don't have the INDEX_STATISTICS table so I don't hit this issue.
The search for valid bible databases is able to handle databases without any suitable bible tables (it just checks all tables in each database for a 'verseid' field and then checks for a verse with the bookname 'Bible' so should ignore anything other than lyricue format bibles)
The failure is when lyricue is trying to run "describe INDEX_STATISTICS" so I'm not sure why that would fail
I've made a change to that direct line to avoid this issue for any table which is not behaving :-)

my @fields = @{$db->selectall_arrayref("describe " . $tablename)};


my $tmpfields = $db->selectall_arrayref("describe " . $tablename);
if (!defined $tmpfields) {
my @fields = @{$tmpfields};