Comment 2 for bug 2048916

Revision history for this message
Leon van der Ree (lvanderree) wrote :

You are Right!

I've created a minimal script to test with:

import sys
import xmlsec
from lxml import etree

print("%-20s: %s" % ('Python', sys.version_info))
print("%-20s: %s" % ('lxml.etree', etree.LXML_VERSION))
print("%-20s: %s" % ('libxml used', etree.LIBXML_VERSION))
print("%-20s: %s" % ('libxml compiled', etree.LIBXML_COMPILED_VERSION))
print("%-20s: %s" % ('libxslt used', etree.LIBXSLT_VERSION))
print("%-20s: %s" % ('libxslt compiled', etree.LIBXSLT_COMPILED_VERSION))
print("%-20s: %s" % ('xmlsec used', xmlsec.__version__))

template = etree.fromstring('<xml></xml>')
print(xmlsec.template.create(template, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA256))

I don't even have to run it in a container to make it crash, it purely depdends on my VENV containing requirements:

lxml==5.0.0 # seg-fault

Python : sys.version_info(major=3, minor=9, micro=18, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
lxml.etree : (5, 1, 0, 0)
libxml used : (2, 12, 3)
libxml compiled : (2, 12, 3)
libxslt used : (1, 1, 39)
libxslt compiled : (1, 1, 39)
xmlsec used : 1.3.13
Segmentatiefout (geheugendump gemaakt)


but lxml==4.9.4 # working
Python : sys.version_info(major=3, minor=9, micro=18, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
lxml.etree : (4, 9, 4, 0)
libxml used : (2, 10, 3)
libxml compiled : (2, 10, 3)
libxslt used : (1, 1, 39)
libxslt compiled : (1, 1, 39)
xmlsec used : 1.3.13
<Element {}Signature at 0x7f5567f4d380>


running on python 3.9.18 (but also higher) on Fedora 39, on which
 - libxml2-devel-2.10.4-3.fc39.x86_64
 - libxslt-devel-1.1.39-1.fc39.x86_64
are installed

When I `pip uninstall lxml`

and do a git checkout of branch lxml-5.1.0

Building lxml version 5.1.0.
Building with Cython 3.0.8.
Building against libxml2 2.10.4 and libxslt 1.1.39

and after installing this version to my venv it is running:

Python : sys.version_info(major=3, minor=9, micro=18, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
lxml.etree : (5, 1, 0, 0)
libxml used : (2, 10, 4)
libxml compiled : (2, 10, 4)
libxslt used : (1, 1, 39)
libxslt compiled : (1, 1, 39)
xmlsec used : 1.3.13
<Element {}Signature at 0x7fc4ef70c780>

But what do you suggest how to fix this, or deal with this? Should everyone with this combination of xmlsec and livxml compile lxml themselves, of can the prebuild package be changed?