Comment 15 for bug 1977998

Revision history for this message
scoder (scoder) wrote :

> I remember saying years ago on the mailing list that I would love to see this package become part of the Python standard library. I remember the reaction I got being something like "why on earth would you want that? what possible advantage could that bring?".

I remember that question being discussed a couple of times. From what I recall, the main arguments at the time were "it's way too big and involves several complex external libraries" and "the release cycles don't match up well". Basically, neither the CPython devs nor I were keen to go through the hassle of integrating and maintaining lxml in the standard library. And requiring a recent Python in order to get certain lxml features (and otherwise dealing yourself with not having them available) also does not sound very tempting to many users.

Really, the standard library was never a solution to the problems at hand.