
Comment 5 for bug 850734

Revision history for this message
cellstorm (cellstorm) wrote :

hm. I somehow got it to work on 12.04

I copied the /usr/lib/site_ruby folder from maverick (where luz works perfectly) into /opt/luz/lib on my percise install.

then I open terminal in precise:

   export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/luz/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
   export RUBYLIB=/opt/luz/lib/site_ruby/:$RUBYLIB

external dependencies: some are set for caution, e.g have not tried serial:

   sudo apt-get install ruby-builder, ruby-rmagick, ruby-serialport, ruby-blankslate, ruby-inline, libcairo-ruby, imagemagick, libopengl-ruby1.8, ffmpeg, libavcodec-extra-53

then get sources:

   bzr co --lightweight lp:~ian-mcintosh/luz/trunk luz

Now I had to replace Gdk::Keyval::GDK_ to Gdk::Keyval::GDK_KEY_ in all souce-files, as the naming for Keyval changed.

, and then make in luz folder worked.

Works fine as far as I can tell, albeit a bit hacky method.

I will make a package out of it, if there is demand I'll share it.