Comment 13 for bug 693303

Revision history for this message
HÃ¥vard Pedersen (haavard-pedersen) wrote :

zekkerj, 10.04 released with PHP 5.3.2. I think you misunderstood the discussion.

PHP 5.3.2 was released only 1.5 month before Ubtuntu 10.04, so much for the "thorough betatesting" the LTS releases is supposed to have. But doing that might have been an OK decision if bugs actually were fixed after release

However, leaving such a central server functionality full of bugs with no backport of bugfixes for 3 years in a long term support release is nothing short of disrespectful of the users that install this release, expecting to be able to use it in 5 years before upgrading. I was not planning on upgrading to 12.04, since I installed a release that was supposed to have support until 2015.

I know I won't be deploying a single Ubuntu server any more. I can't accept waiting 2 years for critical bugfixes that have already been solved upstream.