Comment 11 for bug 1594840

Revision history for this message
Norman Gaywood (ngaywood) wrote :

Poster of duplicate bug #1814006 here
The new 05-getltsconffile from comment #10 works for me.

The only change is that, with my UEFI booting machines, the file /ltsp/amd64/efi64/lts.conf
is TFTP'ed instead of /ltsp/amd64/lts.conf (with my patched 05-getltsconffile in bug #1814006)

The change is probably "more correct" anyway. So I'm happy with the new 05-getltsconffile

I have not tested, but if someone is booting UEFI and using TFTP to transfer the vmlinuz and intitrd files (I use HTTP) they should check that they are are getting the lts.conf file.