Comment 1 for bug 719578

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Severin H (severinh) wrote :

Don't hesitate to report any bugs you find, even if they are of minor gravity. I'm thankful for each one of them. :-)

I suppose that on your machine, the server window doesn't grow vertically when you expand the 'Advanced Settings', even though it should. This is another thing that works flawlessly on my machines. It should be GTK's responsibility to take care of the resizing. I'd like to find a way to reproduce the problem.

Would you mind telling me what theme you use and what window manager, i.e. Metacity (no effects) or Comiz (effects like shadows)? I suppose that you use the GNOME desktop environment. The content of the server dialog (embedded in another one) is also displayed when starting LottaNZB for the first time as part of the "Start Downloading" dialog. It would be interesting to know if this dialog is also affected. You can temporarily rename ~/.config/lottanzb and ~/.sabnzbd in order to see it.