Comment 0 for bug 447229

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Stuart Colville (muffinresearch) wrote :

When running loggerhead if it's pointed at a directory containing branches within a shared repo (without trees) checking out the branches over http results in:

bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'No repository present: "chroot-32111312:///"')

The only thing visible in the past server log is:

DEBUG:paste.httpserver.ThreadPool:Added task (0 tasks queued)
INFO:loggerhead: - - [09/Oct/2009:14:44:40 +0100] "POST /tla/trunk/.bzr/smart HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "bzr/2.0.0 (urllib)"
DEBUG:paste.httpserver.ThreadPool:Added task (0 tasks queued)
INFO:loggerhead: - - [09/Oct/2009:14:44:40 +0100] "POST /tla/trunk/.bzr/smart HTTP/1.1" 200 71 "-" "bzr/2.0.0 (urllib)"
DEBUG:paste.httpserver.ThreadPool:Added task (0 tasks queued)
INFO:loggerhead: - - [09/Oct/2009:14:44:40 +0100] "POST /tla/trunk/.bzr/smart HTTP/1.1" 200 120 "-" "bzr/2.0.0 (urllib)"

I'm running:

Ubuntu 8.04
bzr version is: 2.0.0

loggerhead trunk at r387

PasteDeploy-1.3.3 (From PyPi)
Paste-1.7.2 (from PyPi)
python-simpletal 4.1-6

Paste and PasteDeploy were originally packages but I since replaced them from pypi to see if that would make a difference. It didn't.

In contrast I have loggerhead pointing at a bunch of standalone branches under Jaunty and checking them out works just fine.
Clearly there's more differences here than just that my Jaunty loggerhead instance is pointing at standalone branches so it might not be that.