Comment 1 for bug 1574335

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Michael Thomson (aurora-l) wrote :

Hi Bob - thanks for the bug report. I'm trying to recreate the bug now. Could you let me know:-
1. What device you are using (BQ, Meizu, etc)?
2. Is it on specific BBC channels, or all?
3. Are any non-BBC channels affected by the same bug?
4. What data connection (wifi, 3G or both)?

I've also had a look at your bug report on uRadio, and will be tracking it with interest (Local Radio is based on an early version of uRadio, which is probably why you have the same issue on both)

If possible, would it be possible for you to download and install 'Logviewer' (it's in the store) and post any output, either here, or in Pastebin?