Comment 0 for bug 405949

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Nikil Mehta (nikil.mehta) wrote :

A really useful feature that I'd like to see in Listen is support for replay gain tags. These are basically volume normalization tags (iTunes soundcheck does a similar thing). They indicate how to normalize a specific track relative to all other tracks and also how to normalize it relative to tracks in the same album.

Documentation on how one would implement the algorithm is at:

There would be two parts to implementing this. First, one would need to add support for reading the tags, calculating the volume adjustment, and then applying it. This should be pretty easy. The second part would be to add support for actually calculating the normalization level and tagging the files.

Personally I think just adding support for reading the tags would be awesome. There are numerous other tools to calculate and write the tags.

I'm trying to look into how to write a plugin that would do this, but obviously I'm unfamiliar with the codebase so it's kind of hard...