Comment 1 for bug 931008

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Oskar Wallgren (oskar.wallgren) wrote :

(Google translate)
Problems Formatting the hard drive to install the Linux system, very confusing. Only Ubunto, and other Kubunto (?) Bunto facilitate the installer by the side of the existing system as in the case of Microsoft. I have several versions of Linux and when it will install on a disk where there are already systems or partitions already formatted and ready to receive the Linux Mint, Pardus, Savoy, and other SalineOS complicates the situation. The installation wizard unless I understand, is giving one error after another and consequently end up deleting a partition where necessary files and operating systems are already installed. This makes the new Linux users end up giving up the NEW installation and still angry at the loss of data in an attempt to installation. I believe this problem is one of the largest Linux. Other than that, are small details that can be arranged in time. The great vice of Windows users is precisely its simplicity of installation and be functional for a novice user. I try to disclose the versions of Linux that I use and I'm sure they are up to the innovative ease of use, but have encountered problems installing the more advanced versions as the versions listed above. Well .. Another problem is the Site is in English only., But it always finds a way. Here in Brazil there is a strong rejection by Linux systems, despite having several versions, but are very similar to the case of Windows Vista with Windows 7. Some systems like the Satux 3.0, 6.8 Kurumin NG, Mandriva, OpenXange Org VixtaAero3D.2009, Fedora and others are complicated installation in machines with Hardware of last generation, with the exception of those with 64-bit architecture and supports up memories 8Gb 1333Mhz with bus / DDR 3. But, I keep saying the big problem remains the Linux installation alongside another partition or previously prepared for its installation, I speak on partitions up to 450 Gb The installation wizard can not see that there can be installed safely without deleting other files on the partitions, for example: A 1.5 TB SATA HD, your user can format and create three partitions of about 500 Gb each system and install an XP or Win 7 on a partition, a Linux version as LinuxMint on the other and leave the third partition for Backup-Files. Sounds easy, right? It is not! This is the problem, the installation structure, it just does not proceed.
I hope this is resolved soon so that Linux has a good deal on the market, because I know that is an excellent operating system, including the most stable and secure. When installed on an entire hard drive, it is easy, but if not, do not get it and still runs the risk of losing what is already installed and data files.
A big hug!
Jeff Airplane