Comment 3 for bug 580092

Revision history for this message
Gurmeet (gurmeet1109) wrote :

Step 1 : # cd /etc/modprobe.d
Step 2 : locate whatever wireless related file you have. Mine was intel-5300-iwlagn-disable11n.conf.
                  # ls
Step 3 : Edit the file using gedit, nano or vi whatever you are comfortable with.
                   # sudo gedit intel-5300-iwlagn-disable11n.conf
Step 4 : Put the line [options iwlcore led_mode=1] and save the file. Exit gedit.
Step 5 : Re-initiate the driver.
                  # sudo modprobe -r iwlagn (To temp unload it)
                  # sudo modprobe iwlagn (To load it back)
Step 6: Enjoy your troublefree Ubuntu / Mint. Report back if nessecary.
