Comment 0 for bug 539753

Revision history for this message
Ryan Peters (sloshy42) wrote :

I installed Linux Mint 8 Helena on two different computers. One was 32bit, and another was 64bit. I used the respective versions for each architecture. Afterwards, I installed all of the updates on each and added a PPA for Gwibber daily builds. Gwibber uses desktop-couch, and when I tried starting it from a terminal window, I got this at the end:

desktopcouch.local_files.NoOAuthTokenException: OAuth details were not found in the ini file (/home/ryan/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini)

I checked, and the file it references was not there. I found a workaround that created the file, however:

dbus-send --session --dest=org.desktopcouch.CouchDB \
   --print-reply --type=method_call / \

This bug was present in both of my installations, and restarting desktopcouch with the above command created the file and I was able to begin using it.