Comment 0 for bug 1704484

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Kolmar Kafran (kafran) wrote :

OS Info:

Intel Modesetting Driver
Mint XFCE 18.2

The option "Synchronize drawing to vertical blank" is unchecked by default.
If I check it and leave the Compositor configuration window, when I come back the check-box is unchecked again. Also, I'm experiencing screen tearing.

I'm using the Intel Modesetting Driver (removed xserver-xorg-video-intel), also the XFWM 4.13 Vsync wasn't working on default installation.

I also set up the file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf:
Section "Device"
   Identifier "Intel Graphics"
   Driver "intel"
   Option "DRI" "3"

But this didn't work.