Comment 0 for bug 1483102

Revision history for this message
Matthew H. (llmatt556) wrote :

Version: Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon

I first noticed the problem after installing Cities Skylines using Steam and trying to run it in full screen mode. I expected the desktop panels to disappear, leaving only the game on the screen. However, instead the panel remained and was still interactive, causing me to sometimes open or close other applications while playing.

I have reproduced the problem is several other games as well including War Thunder and FTL. After messing around some, I figured out that the culprit was Window Effects. Disabling them solved the problem and all games seem to work fine in full screen now, and re-enabling it causes the issue to return.

I am using the Nvidia 446 driver currently, but I have observed this on the Xorg driver as well.

I am happy to provide any additional information that may be needed.