Comment 1 for bug 1358935

Revision history for this message
Clement Lefebvre (clementlefebvre) wrote :


This was needed in Mint 16 to delay the start of Caja. Two issues made Caja die abruptly and spawn a huge amount of "x-caja-window" windows on the desktop:

1- The fact that gsettings incorrectly throws "changed" signals on session start
2- A critical bug in systemd which made runtime directories collide

Point 2- was fixed in systemd.
Point 1- is still an issue but Stefano tackled the issue in Caja itself by changing the way the program works.

When it came to designing Mint 17 Qiana, this 3 seconds delay no longer was needed, but to stay on the safe side it was left there.

It's probably safe to remove it now and we'll look into fixing that. Because the bug isn't ALWAYS reproducible, yet critical (I don't mean this bug here, but the bug spawning x-caja-windows) it might take a little while for us to test.

Thank you for your patience and for reporting this bug.