Comment 6 for bug 1094990

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altair4 (altair4mint) wrote :

I had hoped that this would have been fixed by now at least fixed in Mint17 but that appears not to be the case. I had hoped that it was because of an Ubuntu upstart bug but that was fixed in Ubuntu 14.04 and yet this problem persists in Mint17.

An earlier entry by Matt Patey more that a year ago suggested the problem may be with mdm and not some other internal source. So on a whim I used a howto on the mint forums ( ) to switch from mdm to lightdm in Mint17 Cinnamon.

Guess what? My default umask is 0002. Just as it should be. Just as it is in Ubuntu 14.04.

Short of switching dm's, using something like bindfs, or going with Ubuntu is there an better work around for this issue?