Comment 2 for bug 1084115

Revision history for this message
Toderel Adrian-Aurel (totedati) wrote :

in my particular case i translate that recipe in this steps:

sudo -s
cd /
mkdir chroot

# if you stomp over « No address associated with hostname » error
# in « apt-get update » phase
cp /etc/resolv.conf /chroot/etc/

mount /dev/vg1/root /chroot
mount /dev/sdb1 /chroot/boot
mount /dev/vg1/totedati /chroot/home/totedati
mount /dev/vg1/usr_local /chroot/usr/local

mount --bind /dev /chroot/dev
mount --bind /dev/pts /chroot/dev/pts
mount --bind /proc /chroot/proc

sudo chroot /chroot

apt-get update
apt-get install lvm2