Comment 1 for bug 1084115

Revision history for this message
Toderel Adrian-Aurel (totedati) wrote :

i also stomp over this bug! look like lvm2 package is here, in livedvd session, so you can see, create, remove lvm partitions at install phase, but after that, at cleanup phase lvm2 packages is simply removed because is in live-* blablabla list!!

silly indeed but true!

as a stopgap you need to follow things like this:

Howto install LMDE with LVM

with an emphasis to the last steps:
« -Continue with the rest of the install like normal,
-DON'T REBOOT YET! At the end of the install, choose 'Continue testing'

0. Set up a chroot:

Code: Select all
    sudo mount /dev/mintvg/root /target
    sudo mount /dev/mintvg/home /target/home
    sudo mount --bind /dev /target/dev
    sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /target/dev/pts
    sudo mount --bind /proc /target/proc
    sudo chroot /target

11. Install LVM2 inside the chroot:

Code: Select all
    apt-get update
    apt-get install lvm2

yea! you need to reinstall again lvm2 inside a proper chroot!