Comment 0 for bug 1082228

Revision history for this message
Matt Graham (matthew-graham-nz) wrote : inconsistent mouse in virtualbox guest

Linux Mint: 14 (Nadia) Cinnamon DVD install
Running in Virtualbox 4.2.4 r81684
Host system: Windows 7 64-bit Intel i7 2600K

Guest Settings:
4 Processors Enabled
PAE/NX Enabled
VT-x Enabled
Absolute Pointing Device Enabled
1024MB RAM
3D Acceleration Enabled

The mouse (not the cursor) randomly jumps (or is registered) as being at the top left corner of the screen.

Hot corners enabled:
The mouse sporadically jumps to the top left corner, activating the show workspaces hot corner. However, when moving the mouse after the workspaces preview appears, the cursor moves from the previously correct position (not from the top left).
Hot corners disabled:
With hot corners disabled and the cinnamon panel set to flipped (at the top), moving the mouse will randomly activate the cinnamon menu (changed to appear as hover state), with a click (left or right) being registered on the menu and not the location of the cursor as expected.
Dragging (moving) Windows:
Easily reproduced. Move any window. It jumps to the top left or to the top of the screen as you move it around.

Additional Info:
Mint 13 Maya running in the same VM has no mouse issues.
Virtualbox shared clipboard also does not work in Mint 14.
Virtualbox shared clipboard does work in Mint 13.

Video of bug: