Comment 2 for bug 1005635

Revision history for this message
Venca B Spam (vbspam) wrote :

I found partial and temporary fix. My solution is inspired by this one ( ), however this link did not worked for me instantly. So here is what I did on my system:

1) make sure you have installed mate-keyring-daemon, gnome-keyring-daemon and seahorse
(the gnome keyring daemon is important, otherwise our FIX may be overwritten in future by apt tasks)

2) DANGEROUS AND IMPORTANT backup and remove all files in:
(this is from some reason important, make sure you backup your keyrings correctly, later you will return them here)

3) from menu invoke Startup Application Preferences (or run mate-session-properties) and make sure that following services are ON/OFF according the list below:

-OFF (all services starting gnome-keyring-daemon)
-OFF (gnome-settings-daemon)
-OFF (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1)
-ON (mate-settings-daemon)
-ON (all services starting mate-keyring-daemon)
-ON (polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1)

Now restart your MATE session (restart X server or logout/login or restart your computer :-)

4) Back in MATE session open terminal

In seahorse create new keyring (this keyring is just temporary) name it 'XXX'
Check that the keyring is in: ~/.config/mate/keyrings/XXX.keyring
(If the keyring is not there, it is probably over here: ~/.gnome2/keyrings/XXX.keyring and this is wrong!)

5) Quit seahorse and restore your backed up keyrings
- quit seahorse
- copy your MATE keyrings back to the ~/.config/mate/keyrings
- copy your GNOME keyrings to the ~/.config/mate/keyrings
- for GNOME keyrings you still need to make following dirty hack
  - edit your gnome keyring in pure text editor and replace text "GnomeKeyring" to "MateKeyring" <= THIS is little bit dirty hack, but it seems the keyring works after this modification, even when the letter count does not match.

6) Run seahorse and now you can see your keyrings