Comment 1 for bug 951217

Revision history for this message
Steven Sheehy (steven-sheehy) wrote :

There are four scenarios where the filelist is loaded as far as I can tell.

1) You manually load a file list from disk by opening it in the file menu and it opens up the tab to browse the share
2) You download someone's list and it opens up the tab to browse the share when the download is complete.
3) You download a directory and the list is downloaded by default
4) You choose the match queue option in search, transfers, hub, or favorite users window.

In option 1 & 2, the list is loaded in memory in order to support the viewing of that list. Until you close the tab associated with that list the memory will obviously not be released.

Option 3 doesn't look to be storing the loaded list, it simply uses it to find additional sources then discards it.

Option 4 might have some issue. It caches a single list in a static TTH map for some reason. The next time you match a file list this cache should be cleared and the memory released.

Can you try this:

- Confirm in which scenarios above you are seeing the issue.
- If it's option 4, see if matching the queue of a person with a large list increases the memory to the levels you mentioned for a sustained period of time.
- Then see if matching the queue of a person with a small list causes the memory to reduce to normal levels.