Comment 22 for bug 448446

Revision history for this message
Stephen Kitt (steve-sk2) wrote :

Regarding comment #19, that was exactly the idea. To fully fix the problem, we need a way to start the program as soon as the joystick is plugged in; the following line, added to your /etc/udev/rules.d/010_local.rules files (if you don't have such a file, simply create it), should start the daemon as soon as the joystick is detected:
        KERNEL=="js*", ATTR{name}=="ACRUX USB GAMEPAD 8116", RUN+="/usr/local/sbin/jskeepalive /dev/input/%b"
When the joystick is disconnected the program will terminate.

Regarding the vibrator, I imagine you'll need to find a game which uses force-feedback, or use one of the force-feedback programs available in the source for the joystick package (or in the Debian package). I don't have such a joystick so I'm afraid I can't help much with that!