Comment 29 for bug 1751268

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In , Ahabig (ahabig) wrote :

sshing in let me continue to work on shell in the ssh session, after the console hung upon exiting. dmesg reports continued "flip timeout" errors as kms flails.

"shutdown -r now" at this point, although booting the ssh session promptly as expected, takes a few minutes to complete, seems to be waiting for the kms errors to complete. This clean boot did allow me to get a journalctl log of the whole process (will attach that).

I understand that optimus is a nasty mess. But, frustratingly, things work just fine with the fedora 4.14.* series, and just fine with your debugging tree kernel. As a user I suppose I can always go back to the bad old days of hand installing kernels rather than just loading them from the yum repository. Last time I did that regularly was going on 20 years ago :)

The fact that the errors happen with either fedora's 4.15.* tree or their 4.16 devel tree is telling us that something in the deltas they apply to their kernel build is the source of the problem. I suppose at this point, I go back to the original fedora bugzilla and put the ball back in their court? bisecting their configs and patches sounds like the next (tedious) step.

Before I go, though: what are these "flip timeout" errors? If I had to guess, any number of things horribly wrong in there could make the i915 module get into a funny state that eventually throws this error: but any insight as I move forward would be appreciated.